Wednesday, 28 November 2018

5 Top Ways Facebook Business Page can Grow Your Business

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A Facebook business page has the potential for getting you leads if you manage it properly.  There’s a huge scope for new customers on Facebook. Therefore, it’s worth using it as a marketing channel to grow your business. In the second quarter of 2016, Facebook had over 1.71 billion active monthly users. In addition, it’s the most popular social network across the world.

Let’s dive into this option and look at how you can use Facebook to make the most of your marketing tactics.
  1. Share engaging content on your Facebook business page
Start by building a community of fans eager to learn more about your business. Involve customers in your business journey by including them in the content you produce. Ask for their opinions, suggestions and feedback. And always thank them for their contribution.
Create engagement on your page with captivating content to please your community. Videos and photos stand out in News Feed and attract more attention. To create interest, share photos of your products and of your customers using your products.
Facebook business page
Capture attention quickly
Research shows that 65% of people who watch the first three seconds of a video will watch for ten seconds. 45% of the people who watched up to ten seconds will watch 30 seconds. This is why it’s important to connect with your audience and get their attention straight away. Source
Your brand story or content should be diverse and interesting. Include a mixture of videos, images, industry-related quotes, case studies, blog posts and product reviews to keep your fans interested.
Link blog posts to your Facebook page and drive customers back to your website. Simply enter your URL in the sharing tool’s page on Facebook. It automatically pulls in the title, description and image from your URL.
  1. Create Facebook contests to grow your business
Everyone likes to win prizes. Hosting a Facebook contest is a great way to engage fans and loyal long-term customers.
Using a contest app such as Binkd to run your competition. After you sign up (for free) an app is displayed on your Facebook timeline, making it easy for fans to enter your contest.
Facebook Binkd
On top of that, Binkd will easily grow your email list. The contestants have to fill out a capture form before they take part in the contest.
You could run a video contest to attract more customers. Encourage fans to submit videos using your product with a call to action that’s relevant to your brand. The prize could be based on their interaction and input.
Other ideas are:
  • Facebook photo contest. Fans post photos of themselves using your product. Select the winner from the photo with the most votes.
  • Share a photo for people to guess the area where it was taken.
  • Ask fans to share tips and choose the winner from the one who gets the most likes.
Make your prizes unique and worthwhile to attract lots of fans. Some will turn into loyal customers.
  1. Give away freebies to entice new customers
Did you know that consumers get excited about free stuff and samples? If the product is something they were thinking of buying, a freebie might just persuade them.
Samples are great incentives to encourage customers to stick with your Facebook business page.
Some examples of freebies are an eBook, gift card to spend at your store, free consultation service, a makeover or anything else that will create a buzz and generate interest.
Your freebies and samples must relate to your brand, however.
  1. Offer exclusive discounts
Facebook fans love discounts. Use this popular method to grow your business page. In addition, add a call to action to link back to an appropriate page on your website.
Two approaches you can use is to ask customers to like your page to get a discount at the checkout after making a purchase. Or like a particular product for a discounted amount.
After they like the product you’re promoting and receive their discount, a link will also show up on their profile. This is a great way to get more exposure for your business.
When offering discounts or special deals, make them time sensitive to get people to act immediately. Include the promotion end dates and redemption information.
Facebook offers
  1. Use Facebook promotions to market your brand
Many small businesses and marketers use this advertising method to grow their business.
Promoted posts are targeted at people who are interested in the products or services you are offering. Therefore, there is a better chance of them engaging with your brand.
Write or choose one of your posts and select your budget. Your post will reach a fixed number of Facebook members. Make it interesting by including videos, appealing images, memes or photo captions.
You could promote a contest, group discount or a new product.
Also, why not capitalize on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. A couple of weeks before the sales show a sneak peek of your products every day to tempt fans.
When promoting your brand using a Facebook business page, interact with your audience. Include them in your Facebook activities so they feel connected to your business. Give them a reason to want to become a fan of your page and remain one. Don’t be too focused on making sales. Build up genuine trust and in return, they will happily buy from you.

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